Game Rental Agreement


terms & conditions of renting games from conundrum house


Upon payment of the Membership fee, for the duration of one year,  6 months or 3 months, depending on the subscription for which you sign up, you are hereby granted permission to take (to rent) Conundrum House property (specifically, tabletop board games, card games, jigsaw puzzles, computer games, books and videos, and toys and manipulative puzzles - collectively referred to in this document as ‘games’) into your guardianship, for limited, stipulated durations, for your use outside Conundrum House premises or events, under the following conditions: 


  •  That you will take your guardianship of Conundrum House Game Rental Club games conscientiously, and to treat Conundrum House Game Rental Club games in your guardianship with great care and respect.
And NATURALLY OF COURSE, that you will return the game on time, as promised, to the stewardship of Conundrum House, in the same condition as you received it. 


And that you will communicate as soon as you know or discover: 

  1. That a game is not complete when you get it, 
  2. When any damage or loss occurs to a game while in your guardianship, 
  3. If you will not return a game by the time/date promised, and by when you will return it. 
  • make good faith efforts to search for, and return, lost, misplaced or forgotten items, if they are missing upon return to Conundrum House. 
  • pay reasonable costs to repair games to playable condition if damage occurs or pieces are lost, or replacement cost of games if an irreparable or total loss occurs while in your guardianship. 



  • Annual Membership $60 per year, paid in advance, in full on either a one-time or recurring basis; (2021 Fee) 
  • Semi-Annual Membership $35 every six (6) months, paid in advance, in full on a recurring basis; 
  • Quarterly Membership $20 every three (3) months, paid in advance, in full on a recurring basis 


(1 free 7 day rental per month included in Membership, for Members in good standing.)


  • Additional 7 day rentals, each charged at $7.50 per week. Paid in advance on the initial rental. 


A rental can be extended for a week at a time, up to 3 times (4 week rental maximum) 


 It is your responsibility to check that all the parts are present when you receive the game, and that all the parts are returned in the box when you complete the game. To this end, games come with an inventory insert of the game pieces. Please use the GAME INSERT and check to verify that the inventory of pieces is accurate 


At any time, if a member finds themselves in one of the following states, their rental privileges are suspended until the matter is resolved in communication and to the satisfaction of all parties. 

Missed Returns 

If a rental is not returned on time, an additional week is charged. If the rental is extended a second or third time, you will be reminded that this can only happen 2 or one more times, and after the 4 weeks without the game being returned, (maximum $30 rental fee, or $22.50 if it started as a free monthly rental) Conundrum House will charge you the retail or replacement value of the game, and the game in your possession becomes yours to keep. 

Missing Pieces 

Upon inspection of a returned game, if parts or instructions are missing: 


  • We will call you and ask you to look for the missing pieces, 
  • We will contact the manufacturer or distributor for replacement parts, and 
  • If missing pieces are not found, you are charged the cost of the replacement parts. 


Damage or Loss 

If there is damage to the game, the game box, or game components, beyond reasonable wear and tear, or if a lost critical part is not replaceable: 


  • We will charge you the retail price of the game if it is still available, or 
  • If the game is no longer available from our distributors or online sources like eBay, and we have to find a collector willing to sell their copy, we charge you the actual cost of the replacement. 


‘Critical part’ means a part that adds a key playability element to the game, and if it is missing the game is unplayable, or loses a significant factor in the enjoyment of the game.

By reserving games on this website, or in person from our brick and mortar location, you agree to the terms and conditions set out above.



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