
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages! Prepare to be dazzled and amazed as the Conundrum House "Creators & Artisans Showcase & Marketplace" unfurls its curtains, revealing a cavalcade of 18 spectacular talents, artisans, creators and wordsmiths, each more astounding than the last!

Behold.....our creators and artisans!

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Chris Scaffidi,  Chief Gnome Creator at Fervent Games, has a Master Plan for making friends: Play Games with People! He's mastered even that by creating some amazing games, like Tapestry for Stonemeier Games.
    Chris has a plethora of Kickstarted Games that are fantabulous, with many of them featured in the Showcase!


Creator couple, Adrienne Fritze and Mark van der Pol are nuts for puzzles, mysteries and immersive playing - so much so they opened their preniere immersive play space Conundrum House. 
     For this event the couple are taking their popular 12 suspect LARP, the End of Thyme, offering it as at at-home live-action role-playing game for YOU and your guests to play. 

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Ian Tassin, graduate student focusing in AI is the creator of Apotheosis TTRPG, kickstarted the first Apotheosis in 2021. SInce then he has released 2 expansions to the original and a sci-fi version as well.
     Apotheosis focuses on keeping the gameplay in line with action & intensity found in fantasy novels. Characters can become extremely powerful, but can't escape their mortal fragility altogether.


Talus is always exploring otherworldly realms of the imagination through her food experiences like her recent 3-course supper adventure The Otherworld where guests get to take a trip across the spectral plane to find their way back home while enjoying a tasty meal and taking a break from their everyday, whatever that may be.

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Echo De La Oceana provides healing Tarot readings to foster intuition rather than predict the future. Echo uses Tarot as a versatile tool for guidance, emotional insight, and confronting self-sabotage, ensuring a meaningful emotional connection during each session.


Edwin Wollert began Stone Ring Press in late 2011 because he wanted to remain in control of his work, after having previously worked with a literary agent and having work published through another small press. He released his first two novels under different pseudonyms, and has opted to begin using his own name with his third novel.


Acacia is a small Etsy business owner who specializes in making floating dice potions for DND and other tabletop games. She started her craft in September of 2023 but has been a gamer (video and tabletop) for many years.
     Acacia was born and raised in Hood River, OR, then attended Oregon State University in Corvallis from 2015-2020 where she’s lived ever since.


Greg Tichenor is a multi-faceted artist entering a new phase in his experimentation with materials in his artworks. His series of bonsai trees - practice pieces he calls them - are gorgeous small works suitable for home or office. 
     Greg is also a Game Master in the DnD 5e worlds, as well as a Game Guide for RPGs such as Coyote & Crow. Both skills will be on display. :D



elby started out with a love for drawing, which is inspired by various comic books, graphic novels, and animated shows and films. This eventually branched out into writing, inspired by the likes of Terry Brooks, Robert Jordan, and Brandon Sanderson to name a few. Kelby has done commissions for book covers and freelance art and photography work, and has a children's book, graphic novel, and an indie video game in the works.

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Aage Gribskov is the mad genius behind VikingWerks Custom Leatherwork. 

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evin feels most alive using his imagination and creativity to produce art, games, and music. He loves board games, tabletop roleplaying, fantasy fiction, and magical things of all kinds. Kevin's airship posters straddle the line between art and game aid and look great on the wall or the table.


Brady Chamber, creator and owner of Black Rainbow creates dungeon art, DnD dice bags, tshirts and glow-in-the-dark posters, shirts and more. Black Rainbow strives to support independent artists in all aspects of our business. In addition to usage cost all artists receive 20% of each item of theirs sold from this store.


Artist Adrienne Fritze has been a working artist for nearly 50 years. She strives to create art that a source of joy, love, inspiration & empowerment to people up to living life out loud, in their own way.
      A self taught artist - or raw artist - who LOVES to create using analog tools (her hands, found objects, glue, paper, pens and pencils, paints, clay, et al), and digital tools (digital photography, Photoshop, art filters on my smartphone, and new tools she discovers along the way).

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Check back tomorrow for more of our artisans and creators!